Windows Online Shopping at Home [Sharing is Caring]

by - Friday, April 24, 2020

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Heyyoo ganks! How are you today? Hopefully in a good mood, healthy and stay safe! In this pandemic, i know we feel a little bored by staying at home all the time. One of my favorite things to do is windows shopping (and online shopping if the prices are affordable 😂 )

One of my favorite website to shop is . This is a fashion website, where the price is quite afforadable. They just launch their website so they give some discounts (up to 50% !). Also, you can get 5% discount while subscribed to the website. They also give free shipping worlwide ! How cool 😍

Now, let's see some of their collections. They have jumpsuits, sets, swimwears, and my most favorite outfit : dressses ! They have a lot types of dresses like mini dress, midi dress, bohemian dress, vacation dress, etc.

One of my wishlist is a simple floral dress named Digital Printed Sleeveless Sexy Pleated Dress . This dress is a mini dress. As it's names, this dress have a digital printed with the floral motive. The motive is so elegant and simple, just what i like. The pleated detailed on the skirt makes an illusion for the belly fat, so we will looks slimmer XD

My second wishlist is a colorful maxi dress, named Chiffon seaside beach round neck short sleeve dress. The chiffon material is great for me because it will give elegant look but not too much. Also, chiffon material will feels comfortable when used at sunny day. As the picture below, i want to use this dress to the beach (after the pandemic of course!) By the way, you can see more collection of their Evening Maxi Dresses by click the link!

That's my wishlist so far. What type of outfit do you like? Maybe you want to windows shopping like me (and purchased it xoxo 😂 ) Just comment below and let's disscus! Hopefully the pandemic will end soon in Indonesia, so we can wear the outfit we bought outside. See you on my next post, ganks!

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15 komentar

  1. "Windows" kukira operating system komputer hehe. Selama di rumah aja memang rawan belanja online nih.

  2. lucu lucu ih ini beb bajunyaaa, bisa dipake ootd an nih walaupun masih dirumah aja, bisa tetep belanja dan bisa tetep ootd an donk ya

  3. Aku udah kepoin nih websitenya dan emang bajunya lucuk-lucuk bangeeeet. Jadi tergoda deh kepingin beli juga. Sempet kepoin bagian bikini-nya ya ampuun seksi banget, tapi jadi motivasi sih untuk ngelangsingin badan. hehehe.

  4. Aku males window shopping online sekarang, soalnya jadi sering berakhir dengan checkout sist yang mana bikin boros bingo :(

  5. Those dresses look super cute indeed. I love the maxi one..look so flowing indeed

  6. Ku baru tahu ini, bagus-bagus fashion itemnya. Anak-anakku yang remaja mesti pengen beli :)
    Thanks for your info, such a great fashion website.

  7. saya juga paling suka window shopping, me time favorit deh bisa cuci mata hehe belum pernah nih kesini coba ah kepoin juga

  8. Aku paling suka maxi dress karena bisa mix and macth sama hijab hehe

  9. Kalau belanja online gini, aku lagi pengen yang gamis mba. Tapi ini tipe outfit yang cenderung 'ringan'

  10. I always interested to the fashion website, moreover the price so affordable for me hehehe. Wowed, the discount up to 50%, ok I will looking for the dress now, hope will get some of them and fit on my body, happy shopping

  11. Boros aku kalo liat marketplace mba Wid, haduh ga kuat nahan semuana serba diskon
    tapi selalu ingat beli yang dibutuh aja

  12. Window shopping masa pandemic gini emang paling pas kalau cuma di rumah aja.. kalo cocok tinggal cekout dan bayar hehe

  13. Wuiiyy.. jadi penasaran nih mau lihat kisnet. Baru tau loh ada olshop ini. Kepoin aaahh... Mau juga lihat baju yang unyuk unyuk di sini.

  14. Aku barutau ada situs olshop kisnet ini ka bajunya pada bagus2 bikin mupeng aja hehe


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